In an alternate universe that is filled with paranormal beings like sorcerers, werewolves, vampires, phantoms, hybrids, demons, and others. Hunter is a teenage sprite with the ability to see ghosts, he uses his abilities to go around and exorcise ghosts for a price.
One day, Hunter is presented with the opportunity to join a school to learn more about his powers and abilities, he accepts with hopes of meeting others like himself only for things to go sideways in his first week, drawing the unwanted attention of various powers of the supernatural world, most of whom call for his immediate execution.
- Prologue: The Exorcist
- The Man in the Mirror
- Study Tour Begins
- The Markings
- The Council of Mysticism
- The Council of Mysticism II
- The Agent
- Old Friend
- Power
- Memories
- The Little Things
- Dropping Like Flies
- Comeback
- No Rest for the Wicked
- A Strange Encounter
- Attack & Defense
- Hat Trick
- Mid Point
- Team Sprite
- In the Dark
- The Final
- The Final II
- The Final III
- Lights On
- I'm Home
- Setback
- Infraction
- More Questions
- Recall
- Return Ticket
- Stalker
- Joseph George
- Joseph George II
- Changing the Terms
- Defenestration
- Troubled
- Surprise
- Problem
- Celebration
- Secret
- Alteration
- Uncovered
- Blaze
- Bait
- Fail
- Fall
- Back
- Stranger
- Keep Moving Forward
- The Root
- Intersected Lines
- Into the Lion's Den
- Into the Lion's Den II
- Down We Go
- Odd
- No Place for the Squeamish
- No Place for the Squeamish II
- Death Row
- Master of the Paper
- Extraction
- Extraction II
- Daymares and Nightmares
- The Runaways
- Recapitulation
- Mediterranean Bound
- Message
- Suit Up
- Light
- Old Dreams
- Old Dreams II
- Special
- Opine
- Playing With Fire
- Spare
- Spare
- The Decision
- Day of Days
- Day of Days II
- From a Pool of Blood
- Punishment
- Settlement
- Settlement
- River Pot
- River Pot
- Custom
- Offer
- Tomorrow's Goals
- Tomorrow's Goals
- Grading Day
- Perp
- Perp II
- Truck
- Crasher
- Smell
- A Beast that Finds
- Taste-Testing
- Taste-Testing II
- The Last Dinner
- Necklace
- Dawn Will Come Again
- The Ugly Ones
- The Ugly Ones
- Old Factory
- Old Factory
- Abraid
- Missions
- Quake
- Under the Covers
- The Choices We Make
- The Choices We Make
- Ultimate
- Subject 661
- Saint
- Reasons
- Reasons II
- Enquiry
- Blue
- Subterfuge
- Fangs
- Diffuse
- Bump
- Deceive
- Quick
- Quick
- Use
- Lost Memories
- Chain
- Mishap
- Mishap
- Request
- Comb
- Immense
- Unsuccessful
- Confront
- Confront II
- Confront III
- Confront IV
- Confront V
- Confront VI
- Section 210
- Witness
- Not Safe
- Battleground
- Meeting Agents
- Circle
- What's Next?
- Gifted
- Scrying Spell
- Partners
- Overexert